Blimey, mate! Fancy a read that’ll have your noggin buzzing like a bee on steroids? Look no further than these top-notch books to prep yourself for the mind-blowing extravaganza that is TED2015. Get ready to have your grey matter tickled and your soul enlightened!
The Power of Now: Mindfulness in the East End
Crikey, this book by Eckhart Tolle will make you stop and smell the jellied eels! With its teachings rooted in ancient Hindu wisdom, it’ll teach you how to be present in every bleedin’ moment. No more dilly-dallyin’ about with worries from yesterday or tomorrow – just pure mindfulness right ‘ere in our beloved East End.
Blink: The Art of Snap Judgments
Cor blimey, Malcolm Gladwell knows ‘is onions when it comes to quick thinkin’. In this rippin’ good read, he explores how our instincts can sometimes be sharper than a razor-sharp cockney accent. Learn ‘ow to trust yer gut feelings and make snap judgments faster than an Olympic sprinter down Roman Road Market.
The Alchemist: A Cockney’s Quest for Enlightenment
Stone the crows! Paulo Coelho takes us on a spiritual journey through mystical lands where dreams come true faster than you can say “apples and pears.” This tale of self-discovery will leave you pondering life’s big questions while sippin’ on a cuppa tea at Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club.
In conclusion…
All right, me old china plate? These books are just what the doctor ordered to get you in the right frame of mind for TED2015. So grab a cuppa Rosie Lee, put your feet up, and let these literary gems transport you to a world where Hindu wisdom meets Cockney charm. You’ll be ready to tackle any talk that comes your way!